Thursday 30 November 2017


"I believe the 21st century will confirm Aloe Vera to be the GREATEST medicine that mankind has ever known" - Lee Ritter

When I was a kid, in Portugal, my mom usually used Aloe Vera for everything, cuts, bruises, even when we were with an upset tummy she used to give it to us to eat... I used it as an hair mask, skin mask, Aloe Vera for everything... 

Later on I found the benefits from Aloe Vera and I started using it. 

Image taken from google, found @ LINK

Moving to the UK I found a few drinks with Aloe Vera...

But to be fair I was quite scared to try them, until due to stress I started developing some gastric problems so people adviced me to drink them.

They have their fair part of sugar but Grace Say Hello developed some new drinks with reduced and sugar free...

I love the original, none of the drinks have that nasty Aloe Vera taste... the original has a refreshing grape taste...they have some refreshing new flavors,the strawberry one is really good but I'm so used to the original flavor and I love it!!

If you really want to have a juice this is the best drink, Aloe Vera juices are great for diet because it helps your gastric motility, is a great detox, lowers the cholesterol level. Besides that is great energy boost!

Great for a training drink (even at 5 in the morning):

The perfect reboot after a busy summer!

This is my favorite drink ever! 5*/5 

Thank You Youzz Uk!

#RebootNormal #SayHello


  1. Nice post! Aloe vera is a great medicine! Would love to try this drink :)

    What's up, Ivy?

  2. O Aloé Vera é das melhores coisas que existem no mundo.
    Eu adoro as bebidas, todas, de sentir os pedacinhos na boca e adoro uns iogurtes que ha no supermercado que tb têm pedacinhos, são uma delicia


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